
In which Sollux is a girl and more

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▲: eriidan?

▼: yes
▼: wwhat do you wwant

▲: ii need two talk about 2omethiing
▲: and iit ha2 two do wiith your fuckiing magiic

▼: oh great is this gonna turn into another glubbin fight

▲: no, lii2ten, you need two change me back

▼: nah id rather keep you this wway
▼: you looks sorta cute in a wway

▲: ...waiit, you change me back two a boy riight now, ii hate thii2!
▲: none of my clothe2 fiit me anymore

▼: haha
▲: not funny eriidan!

▼: wwait wwhat did i change you into again? i ferget you sorta wwent poof wwhen i changed you
▲: ...ii'm a giirl...

▼: i wwanna hear it again wwhat i turned you into gog its jus to hilarious

▲: ii'm a fuckiing giirl now change me back!!

▼: nah i rather like you this wway

▲: eriidan!!! change me back!!!

▼: look i got kanaya to make you a nice little maid outfit long wwith a cheer girl outfit fer lil nerd girls obssessed wwith bees
▼: kan thinks yer cross dressin noww

▲: ... eriidan!! ii much rather wear my old clothe2
▲: ii'm not weariing a fuckiing maiid outfiit!

▼: -eridan turns his head to look at him now peeking in curiousity-
▼: wwhat are you wwearin right noww then

▲: *hides behind the couch* don't look at me!

▼: come on let me sea

▲: ii-ii'm weariing one of my hoodiie2 and my grey jean2 you 2iicko

▼: -he gets up and walks to her a nasty grin on his face-

▲: *jumps on the couch, covering herself in blankets*
▲: ii'm not comiing out of here!

▼: ...then ill havve to force you out noww wwont i

▲: no!

▼: -he jumps on her -

▲: *she screams* get off!

▼: sol jus let me sea! its not that bad!

▲: ye2 iit ii2! the only way ii'm comiing out ii2 to get my bee and you can't fiind iit 2o HA!!

▼: ....sol~

▲: what

▼: -his eyes flare with an idea-

▲: what do you want ampora?

▼: jus a small kiss ~

▲: *blushes lightly* no way fii2h liip2!
▲: ii'm 2tayiing under the2e blanket2 forever and there ii2 nothiing you can do about iit!

▼: wwhat wwhy not evven a lil kiss
▼: if you come out of the blankets an givve me a kiss
▼: i swwear ill change you back

▲: really? *peeks out from under the blankets, only showing her eyes*

▼: reely

▲: you're not goiing two kii22 me and walk away, riight?
▲: becau2e that would be low

▼: nope im a man of my wword

▲: o-okay

▼: come on not like yer gonna enjoy the kiss wwhats the harm in jus a peck right?

▲: *removes that blankets* let'2 get thii2 over wiith

▼: -he leans in closly to her face-

▲: *she pulls back a bit* ew, you 2mell liike 2u2hii

▼: an you smell like swweet scented honey
▼: wwould you rather me go get callone on sheesh

▲: *blushes a little* fuck ye2
▲: anythiing ii2 better than the 2mell of fii2h
▲: ju2t make 2ure iit doen2't 2tiink

▼: least i don smell like skunk
▼: an wwait
▼: -he stares at her a moment lifting himself away and beginign to get off-

▲: what?

▼: are you blushin

▲: n-no ii'm not! *flops down and hides her face in the blankets*

▼: -surprised a little he gets off he didnt dwell on the thought for to long-

▲: *covers herself in the blankets again*

▼: -he went to the stand of his room and got some calone he got from kanaya it was the scent of flowers not sure what kind though he sprayed it on-
▼: this betta?

▲: *she peeks up* yeah
▲: *she sits normally, waiting for eridan*

▼: -he comes over to her and leaned in a bit disgruntled -
▼: are you ready or should i do somfin else noww to

▲: *she smiles lightly* ii'm ready

▼: -he leaned in kissing her gently -

▲: *she kisses back a little curious why eridan wanted to do this*

▼: -slowly he continued the kiss closing his eyes shut as sollux became male again-

▲: *he notices that eridan changed him back and retreated from the kiss* okay ii'm done fii2hy

▼: -opening his eyes again he leaned back only to realize he himself felt a little out of normal his clothes shunk off his body...-

▲: *sollux chuckles* bro... ii thiink you have a new problem

▼: wwhat do you mean?
▼: -eridan quickly covered her mouth realizing his voice changed and was a light softend voice-

▲: *he bursts out laughing* you're a giirl now!

▼: damn it! howw did this happen!
▼: the stupid spell back fired!
▼: i kneww i shouldnt havve used such an old trick! gog damn it...

▲: *sollux continues to laugh* ii mean hey, iit'2 your problem now!

▼: noww i havve to go kiss some one! do you knoww howw hard its goin to be to fin someone wwho wwants to kiss me

▲: you'll never fiind anyone!
▲: thii2 ii2 ju2t two good!

▼: aww man if any one finds me like this ill be ruined!
▼: my reputation wwill be wworse
▼: than it already is...
▼: gog!

▲: ppfffttt

▼: -she runs over to her books where she got the spell to try and find a reverse spell-

▲: eriidan, you know you don't actually look half bad
▲: *walks up to her, drapping his arms around her waist, resting his head on her shoulder*

▼: -her shirt began to tip off her new body only as she tried fixing the problem did she hear those words looking over in a pouting face blushing light purple-
▼: -surprise crept to her face as she stared at him her blush deepening- sol! wwhat are you doin!

▲: *he begins to gentley sway* nothiing fii2h breath
▲: why? 2omethiing buggiing you?

▼: n-no....
▼: -she sways shyly with him-

▲: that'2 good

▼: wh...wwhy are you doin this sol i thought you hated me?

▲: maybe ii ju2t never realiized how cute you are

▼: -she pouted a little still blushing-
▼: so you like me betta as a girl i sea

▲: heheh how'd you gue22?

▼: youd nevver hold me like this if i wwere a dude idiot

▲: *kisses her fin* you gue22ed riight

▼: -her face was scrambled as he did so-

▲: *places his head back on her shoulder, reading some of the book*

▼: s-sol stop teasin me i need to fix this stupid spell so i can be a boy again!

▲: *uses his psinoics and makes the book fly across the room, nibbling his fin* now now, we don't need that 2iilly book

▼: w-w-wwhy the hell not sol! i need it to change back let me havve it!

▲: nope *turns her around, inches taller than her and kisses her forehead* ii liike you liike thii2
▲: you can get u2ed two iit

▼: wwhat! no i cant!

▲: ye2 you can~

▼: -her clothes begin to droop and slide off again -
▼: you knoww if you kiss my lips itll jus turn you back into a female an me male! the process wwill continue

▲: why do you thiink ii'm avoiidiing that *chuckles, kissing her nose, pulling her close*

▼: eh! -she mumbled out as she was pulled close blushing the darkest purple imaginable-

▲: aw, you're blu2hiing, cute hehe
▲: *kisses her nose sweetly and gently*

▼: hey sol tail me reel quick
▼: -she fixes her clothing staring down-
▼: wwas i a good kisser as a guy

▲: *blushes softly* uhh... yeah, actually *scratchs behind his head awkwardly*

▼: d-did you enjoy it

▲: *blushes deeper* can't 2ay ii diidn't

▼: -she laughs awkwardly-
▼: ...wwhats so wwrong wwith doin the process again

▲: ii'll turn iinto a giirl

▼: i enjoyed our kiss
▼: -she held on tightly to her clothes-

▲: ii know... but ii rather 2tay a boy

▼: an ill be a guy again an wwell kiss an ill be a girl again

▲: you 2ure?

▼: y-yeah a little...

▲: what do you mean a liittle? *he raises an eyebrow at her*

▼: ...i reely liked kissin you so shut up...i don knoww wwhat im talkin boat anymore

▲: hehe okay *leans in and kisses her deeply*

▼: -she kisses back a little surprised-

▲: *he runs his hands through her hair*

▼: mhm- she mumbled turning into a guy again but continuing the kiss-

▲: *sollux changed back in a girl but didn't mind, she still tangled her fingers in eridan's hair, moving close to him so their bodies touched*

▼: -holding her close to him he kissed her deeply and lovingly wrapping his arms around her tightly holding her waist-
▼: -turning into a girl again-

▲: *she stopped half-way to fix her glasses, seeing eridan as a girl, and staying a girl herself* what...

▼: wwhat wwhats wwrong?

▲: ...we... we have a problem

▼: -fixing her glasses again she realized what was so terribly wrong-
▼: oh crap are wwe stuck as girls!?

▲: ii... ii hope not
▲: *she looks at the other, scared if they were going to stay like this*
▼: i...i doubt wwe are

▼: m-maybe another kiss?

▲: ii don't know... ii thiink we 2crewed up bad

▼: fuck!
▼: -she forces a kiss against her lips not changing-
▼: wwhat the ...oh cod no!

▲: mmm! *she is a little taken back at the forcefulness*
▲: *she looks down* fuck! what do we do!?

▼: i dont knoww!
▼: but i havve a meetin wwith fef in a feww more minutes wwhats she gonna think of this mess!

▲: ...*sighs* ii don't know

▼: oh cod oh cod oh cod
▼: -starts to hyper ventalate-

▲: eriidan calm down, ii'm 2ure there ii2 a way two change back *she rests a comforting hand on the other's shoulder*

▼: -she sighs trying to calm down-
▼: or wwe could also change evveryone into there other genders wwe wwouldnt be the only ones genderbent anymoree?!

▲: ... that ii2 an awful iidea
▲: we aren't doiing that

▼: -she begins to hyperventilate again-

▲: *notices her panicking and makes her sit on the couch next to herself* ju2t calm down! ii have an iidea

▼: wwhat are wwe gonna do sol!? wwhat if wwere stuck like this 5evver!
▼: -she sits trying to calm down-

▲: *stares at her blankly* fiir2t we need a few thiing2, briing me two your room bro, we can fiix thii2!
▲: or, make iit look liike we diid atlea2t
▲: ii don't know iif iit'll work though...
Hopyshit this was awesome! Sadly I got disconnected, why must it do this to me D:

I was Sollux
If you were this Eridan please tell me, I really want to continue this!

Homestuck (C) Hussie
© 2012 - 2024 IceRocket
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cicithecuddlemaster's avatar
uh okay, im thinking i would go with ridans plan ;3 i kinda want to see what karkles would be like as a female.